The 2018 revision of the Ostervald Bible
now available in hardcover, leather and epub
Our methodology
We do an exhaustive verse-by-verse examination of two texts: the Authorized King James Bible in parallel with the 1744 Ostervald French Version. A thorough comparison is made with the Noah Webster 1828 English Dictionary and the Robert Historical Dictionary of the French Language. Our goal isn't to obtain a "French King James" by a literal word-by-word translation, but to have a Bible in french which is conform to the Received Text (Textus Receptus), while maintaining the integrity of its language → Read more
Pastor Mario Monette
Mario Monette is the Pastor of the South Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church, located in Quebec, Canada. In 1996, he initiated the project of revising the Ostervald Bible, initially for his personnel use. Over the years this gave him the certainty that a systematic revision, verse by verse, was necessary. Pastor Mario Monette's vision is for the french speakers to have a reliable version of the Bible in french, equivalent to the King James Version (KJV) in English and so, in 2003, the project officially started. Please consider helping us ! → Read more
Order your Bible !
The New Testament was fully revised to accurately concur with the Received Text (Textus Receptus), as is the King James Version (KJV) in english. The Old Testament has been in part, but is still, for 85% of the Old Testament, identical to the original version of the 1744 Ostervald Bible. The full Ostervald Bible is available here at is most advanced stage of revision and in different formats. → Order