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Ostervald Bible 2018: eBook
Read the Ostervald Bible 2018 on your computer screen, laptop or smartphone, thanks to this eBook version. You'll have immediate access to the EPUB and MOBI formats.

Ostervald Bible 2018: Hardcover
The Holy Bible in french, version J.FR.Ostervald revised 2018. It includes the Old Testament and the New Testament. The hardcover is black, and it comes with one bookmark. This Bible is light so it's easy to hold it open in one hand and is confortable to read.

Ostervald Bible 2018: Genuine Leather (flexible)
The Holy Bible in french, version J.FR.Ostervald revised 2018. It includes the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible cover is made with genuine leather, black and flexible. This format of 8.25" x 5.25" makes the Bible light and easy to hold open in one hand. It comes with a gold gilding edge and stamping, one bookmark, and a comfortable text size of 11pt.

Participate with an offering
Please consider giving an offering to help our project of the revised version of the Ostervald Bible to progress. At the present moment, we are collecting offerings in order to make the Bible available to our missionnaries, and their congregation, in Togo and Congo which are French speaking countries. We are planning to send them by boat an important quantity of Bibles. In addition to that, we also collect offerings in order to print the revised Ostervald Bible in a more affordable format so everyone can have access to it.
Update (August, 2019): your offerings allowed us to print an important quantity of 2018 Ostervald Bibles and ship them to Togo, along with bilingual ewe-french John & Romans booklets. Praise God!
Enter the amount that God has placed in your heart to give, and then click on "Donation" to add it to your cart.